The Pensieve!
Because, in the end, it's all real. "It's pensive.It's also things I sieve from the rest of my thoughts using the metaphor of a pen for writing. And of course, it's from my favorite character-Albus Dumbledore."
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The Last Two Years!
So What have I been doing for the last two years? Good question. I think the closest answer would be 'figuring things out'. You might ask, "How did that work out for you?" "Some good. Some bad." However, my last two years spent in a land far away from what I call home was important. In fact, it was necessary. To live in a town and not a city. To live alone and not with a roommate. It was imperative that I learn to love my company. I understand the value of 'conversation' much more now. I know how easy it is to get lost in the matrix of our minds. I value listening to speaking. I have learnt not to judge. Most of all, judge someone by their looks. Although, one can argue that the way a person looks outside is the reflection of his/her inside. Either way, that is not the point. Not that everything has to have a point. But you get what I mean?
These past two years have been very interesting, to say the least. Many events and many more realizations have made this ride extremely (un)comfortable at times. I have done things that I never thought I would do. I have not done things that I always thought I would do. Ah well! This place has brought me closer to myself. And for that, I'll be eternally grateful. There is no such pleasure as knowing who you are and accepting that. One might say, it's liberating even. I lived in a beautiful apartment. It was my safe haven with nick-knacks collected from my travels. I filled it with memories from my previous years and have made new ones to fill my future homes to come. I have re-connected with old friends that I had last met in School. I got closer to friends who were with me in College. This place brought me closer to my second-cousin, who now has become an integral part of my life. More like the sister I never had. Although, more often than not, there are times when she drives me up a wall. But Hey! That's what sisters are for. I have made some friends that are truly amazing. Whoever thinks badly of Americans should meet these friends of mine. Within a matter of days (possibly even less), random strangers have become everyday companions. Stronger bonds have been forged with some of my old friends. One must not complain. But one does.
Also, I have grown so much in the past two years than I ever thought I would. I would like to think of myself as a more stronger person now than I've been before. Yes, it wasn't a smooth ride. At all. These past two years have also witnessed my lowest points. I lost my dog, who was more than a brother to me (May his Soul Rest in Peace). I have drifted away from friends whom I was very close to. I have also lost touch with someone who is very special and dear to my heart. But I hope things will resort back to 'normalcy' soon. Anyway, this is not the time to get positively-philosophical. In this whole process of finding myself, I think I've lost myself. Again. There are cracks that need fixing. There are loose ends that need to be tied.
I will be going back to India soon. I think this is necessary. Very. I need to go back to the place that is familiar. I need to be around people that I understand. I ran away from my problems, when I left my homeland in the hope that they will not haunt me. Oh how wrong I was! But now I know better. I've some things to mend. Or rather some things have to mend me.
Friday, June 12, 2009
One place
*Takes a bow* - The hamlet that we call Pilani!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Life or Something like it!
We always do!
We always will!
Friday, February 20, 2009
30 under Thirty!
No goal should be even close to both ‘easy’ and 'impossible'.(tending to impossible is fine.)
So here is my list of want-to-achieve things before i turn 30 which is not very far away (Okay, its a little far away):
1.Win an Oscar ( I don’t care for which category but Best Actor in a Leading Role would be nice)
2.Be on the amazing race. And yes I know exactly with who I want to be on the show
3.Go to a French Fishing Village and live there for 6 months. And Fish for a living.
4.Stay in the Burj-al-Arab
5.Own an airline company
6.Have my own talk-show
7.Get Nominated for a Grammy
8.Give a commencement speech to the graduating class at Stanford/Harvard-the likes
10.Cook for a dinner for 50 alone and be appreciated for it by each and every person for each and every dish
11.Write a best-seller book. (Okay, I’ll throw in the “win-a-booker-prize” part too!)
12.Own 20 different breed of dogs. (Yes, they’ll all live with me)
13.Make(Direct-Script) a full-length movie
14.Have a star named after me
15.Attend a UN summit as their “special” guest of honor
16.Discover (not invent) a new island
17.Participate in the Olympics as a part of the Indian Swimming Team
18.Go to Africa and live in the wilderness (till my senses get better of me)
19.Own a restaurant
20.Get a PhD in a field that I’m unfamiliar with right now ( Genetics/English Literature/Economics)
21.Get shortlisted for a Nobel prize
22.Visit the LHC and be the sole authority to push the button for “the” “experiment”
23.Live in 25 countries at least over a span of 5 years
24.Own the worlds most expensive car
25.Become a Rajya Sabha Member
26.Walk on the moon
27.Be the first human to be cloned successfully (commercially of course and yes. For Free.)
28.Be on TIME Magazine’s Cover
29.Invent a new word that is recognized by the Oxford dictionary and becomes one of the most used words like an article or so on and so forth
30.Converse FLUENTLY in 3 different foreign languages. One of them being Arabic.
I really really hope i can complete 10 (okay 5) of the above mentioned things. Here's wishing me luck!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Beginning and End- Together they stand!
Every ending can be a new beginning...
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Coffee with Utsav!
The bitterness still remains and it will until something sweet comes along!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Goodbye Pilani!
It’s been four years since I’v come here. Four long years. Looking back, it doesn’t seem to have been too long. I can still remember my first day here…My first reaction looking at the gate “this must be the back entrance”…looking at the hostels…”I wanna go back rite now!”…looking at the temple..”Oh wow! Finally something nice”…looking at the clock tower..”not much of a reaction actually”…and the the heat was killing me!! get the point..
So yeah..its been four nice years..had some good moments..some bad moments..some really good moments…have made my friends for life here..(hopefully :-D)…have met so many ppl here with such various interests that it actually baffles me rite now..have done some crazy things that I thought I’d never do…well…its been great.. ( I really would want to elaborate..maybe some other time) now I m leaving ? how does that make me feel ? Frankly, I m not too sure..maybe I haven’t accepted it yet..or maybe I have…I keep tellin myself abt how this is not an ending but a new beginning..but yeah..i m gonna miss this place like crazy..i’m gonna miss a lot of things..and if I start listing them down..its gonna go on n on...
Few things to acknowledge..
-Budh 309-Gandhi 182-Krishna 140-Malviya 403 for being a home away from home..
-Department of Sponsorship & Marketing for being my family here(:-D)..
-The English Drama Club for letting me explore my inner talents..( was amazing in the club)
-Moruchhaya for keeping in lieu with my bong roots..
-SKY for being my safe haven..( *sigh*..pappu’s chaiz…)
-Krishna Redi for feeding me..( srsly munnaji rocks!)
-SUB for all the wonderful games that we played there and the structure work..(hehe)
-SAC for DW!
-ANC for coffee that kept me awake..
-AUDI for all the RAF movies n music nites..
-OASIS…(need I say nething?)
-APOGEE…(ye..i know academic festival..nonetheless..!)
Some memorable moments:
-The cycling trip around campus with all my sponz mates
-cg card collection at the beginning of every sem
-getting my eee dual
-the late nite sessions in rehanz room (arjun singing songs at the highest pitch)
-the bratislava(jaipur) trip..(suzy/me/praz/jd)
-the jaipur ( veer-zaara) trip..(rehan/me/keki/jd)
-First year sponz trip (pink city theme park was it?)
-winning the clutters n clatters competition during interface
-kinniz “restaurant themed” b’day party
-The sessions at patel n Gandhi statue (talking abt ships n stars!)
-First sponz work trip to gurgaon! (remember keki’s hairstyle?)
-Our batch trip to gurgaon..( Chai paani etc..!)
-Diwali marriages
-Holi mud pit
-The pahadi trip
-Music nite (weird steps!)
-Sponz dhamaka! (amazing enthu that day!)
-3-1 (it was quite a sem!)
-FD III (:-D)
-Stat mech compre ( first D!)
-The Jaisalmer Trip (the camel rides..ouch!)
-Ankurz limon!
-Apogee 2007 (my costaanship ob!)
-The wing nite (when there was a blackout..!)
-Mandawa trip (the mike
-Oasis 2008 (chasing dogs, singing “oooddaaa”…”kya muzzhe pyaar hain sabzee”…)
-DW 2008 (chuckle)
-PS II results nite (runnin around almost everywhere possible)
-The Sand storms!
-The cold winters
There are like a million more of this…I really cant list all of them down…but every minute spent here was wonderful..(Yes besides me cribbing all the time..hehe..)
There is no better way to express what I’m going through rite now but these few lines…
Things are changing
It seems strange and
I need to figure this out
Yesterday we were laughing
Today I'm left here asking
Where has all the time gone now?
I'm left alone somehow
Growing up and getting older
I don't want to believe it's over
Don't say goodbye
Cause I don't wanna hear those words tonight
Cause maybe it's not the end
And although we knew
This time would come
Don't say anything tonight
If you're gonna say goodbye
This is an ode to everyone whom I met here and with whom I’ve shared all the wonderful memories that I’m taking back with me!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Ever Ever After...
I was sitting outside my door
And then it came to me
That it was so hard to see myself without you
I felt a piece of my heart break
I don’t want to be hurt
I don’t want to cry
I don’t want to be alone
I don’t want to break down
So there’s only one way
Come with me
I don’t wanna let you go
Tomorrow is going to be a brand new day
I’ve got no money or house
But baby that’s a start
Please don’t say goodbye
I see a bright light over the horizon
I know it’s gonna be okay
I know we are gonna make it
We’ll be on the other side
I guess its love and there’s no mistaking in that!
Life goes on
And we’ll live happily ever after!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Y: You don't call.
X: But you said I don't call if I wanted to give up on her.
Y: Right.
X: So I don't call either way?
Y: Right.
X: So what's the difference?
Y: There is no difference right now. See, X, the only difference between giving up and not giving up is if you take her back when she wants to come back. But you can't do anything to make her want to come back. In fact, you can only do stuff to make her not want to come back.
X: So the only difference is if I forget about her or just pretend to forget about her?
Y: Right.
X: Well that sucks.
Y: Yeah, it sucks.
X: So it's just like a retroactive decision, then? I mean I could, like, forget about her and then when she comes back make like I just pretended to forget about her?
Y: Right. Although probably more likely the opposite.
X: What do you mean?
Y: I mean at first you're going to pretend to forget about her, you'll not call her, I don't know, whatever... but then eventually, you really will forget about her.
X: Well what if she comes back first?
Y: Mmmm... see, that's the thing,somehow they know not to come back until you really forget.
X: There's the rub.
Y: There's the rub.
No one is coming back because there is nothing to come back to.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
True Lies...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Cheers to those who made it happen. Surely had the time of my life.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Six months later,
I walked in. You looked up. You were sitting at a different place. I came over and sat across the table. I smiled. I took my leg and ran it over yours. You looked up and said "Excuse me, do I know you?". I got up. I left.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Moving on!
It’s about moving on.
It’s about breaking old knots to make new ones!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Love Actually
Yes you are looking at one such individual!"
-Anonymous (Courtesy-The Holiday)
Monday, October 8, 2007
It’s all you’ve got so you cling to it.
You’re so afraid if you'll change, you'll lose what makes you special.
Being miserable doesn’t make you better than anybody else,
it just makes you miserable!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Psychedelia !
I don't know...
Friday, September 28, 2007
Beginning or End ?
I was thinking the other day about how the most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time.
What do you get at the end of it? A death. What is that, a bonus?
Well... I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy retirement.
You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for High School. You go to school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last 9 months floating...then you finish off as an orgasm!
... now that's a ride. ... oh yea!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The Bridge
"I see it" , he shouted, straining his vocal chords.
"Where?", she asked intrigued.
“There..It’s right there…Can’t u see it ?” ,he enquired all excited.
“Hmm…Are we looking for the same thing here ?”. She was bored.
This had been happening from the beginning of time.
They were both looking for something.
Something which they never found!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
An Inconvenient Truth
He was strolling down a derelict road. He was unaided. He looked down the track and saw two things lying there in the middle waiting to be grabbed. One of them was an ominous looking leaf. It was patched and dried. The other one was a flower blooming in all its glory. He stared at them. For a long time, he did nothing. He was encapsulated by the contrasting feelings that were creeping in his mind. He was not sure what to do.
What do you think he did ??
It’s very easy to love a flower. But it’s all the more difficult to love a leaf. Choose wisely and you shall never be disappointed.
I have heard about you. I have talked about you. I have talked to you. I have sensed the power in you. I have felt your presence in me. I have lived moments with you. I have shared my experiences with you. I have felt your pain. I have rejoiced in your happiness.
I have learnt a lot from you. I have also taught you a few things. I have been given a new insight into a lot of variables because of you. I have grown to love you now. So have you.
I have learnt more about you than you possibly know.
I have not seen you.
Do I know you ?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
A matter of choice
And the cycle continued.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
In a world filled with darkness ,we all need some kind of light, whether its a great flame that shows us how to win back what we have lost or a powerful beacon intended to scare away potential monsters or a few glowing bulbs that reveal to us the hidden truth about our pasts. we all need something to help us get through the night even if it is just the tiniest glimmer of hope.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Aditya was staring into open space. His life had come to a standstill (not in the strictest sense of the word). He had been doing a lot of things but nothing of importance or grand to talk about or to be proud of. It was quite apparent from his expression that he was looking for something more, something to come by, something to live for. But sadly, this something never came.
To be continued...

Life takes you on a journey through various emotions. It acquaints you with different people. Some of them you forget, some of them you wish you had never met.But there are some who just leave an indelible impression on your soul. It’s difficult to forget the moment. That one moment that changes everything. That one moment when you’re weak and you’re absorbed in it.That one moment that you had wanted for ever. That one moment which is enough to help you live through the remaining part of your limbo.
That one moment happened one night.
The Rising
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Walking through the clouds...
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
A Bitter Truth...???
no one is to be taken for granted....
your body is the only thing which u can call your own in your lifetime....
take care of it....
dont let the waves rule you find a way to be free and control the waves........
some one said have a dream and follow it...
but no one said how to achieve it...
your shadow will be the only one who will
follow you and your dreams .....
some one said love at first sight..
but experience tells Lust at first sight...
love decays faster than a rotten wood or a rusted iron.....
what your mind disapproves, your heart disagrees
soon all these will be irrelevent
when the enigma of Monalisa smile,and when
you sleep with Wilde's poem or dive a perfect
10 into the ocean,or wear a designers suit whose
name never ceases to live on......
is unearthed
Relationships-A facade to the Universe ?!?!?
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
The One...
Monday, December 25, 2006
The Search..
about. Precisely the kind of dilemma you're in when you sit
down to describe yourself, in right earnest - you're all of
it, and yet none of it. So who's the real me?
My life has taken me to myriad places, people,
circumstances and emotions, and looking back, I feel that a
common thread runs through it all - Life has been
beautiful, and i'm in love with it. So much so that,
sometimes i'm confused as to who's the real me - the one
who likes to lie alone on the terrace gazing the sky at
nights, or the one who likes to sweat it out at the
dancefloor with pals, the one who feels unbounded joy on an
achievement, or the one who wipes his lonely tears in a
dark room. All through this and lot more, Life has been
indeed beautiful. It still is, thanks to it's serendipity.
Or is it that i'm a die-hard romantic? Did I just mention
romance? Well, thats one emotion which is missing from my
diary. Sometimes, when my solitude; crowded as it is by
events and relationships; gets too heavy to bear, I ask God
that when he gave me the pining for love, I realised I had
a heart, and now that it aches, where's love? As expected,
I get only silences in return, but my life has taught me
that silences have the profoundest of meanings hidden in
them, and so I'm still trying to unravel it.
.......This self-description seems spinning out of control,
I almost sound apologetic about the lack of love, but then
I look out of my window - its 4 a.m. and everybody around
is asleep, the sky is changing hues very slowly, the cool
breeze gives me the goosebumps, the sleepy eyes are opening
wide to the enchantment of the hour, and then a voice of
the Muezzin calling out to all the faithful for prayer,
echoes in the skies, like a manna from the heaven it
descends to me. The prayer, though I can't comprehend a
word of it, passes through my soul, and it rises again,
carrying the weight of my hopes & desires. There she goes....and I say a mute AMEN! I look around, its a brand new day - the first day of the rest of my life - and I'm in love - with LIFE. La vita e bella.
What am I looking for? Hmmmmm, someone who can make sense of the aforesaid goulash :)).
But seriously, someone who can talk, can be talked to, someone who too is straight from the heart.......
Sunday, December 24, 2006
The Desire..
This wanting can be dangerous…u might ask…why ? well..its really very simple..
U want a lot of things…some u get..some u don’t…some r explicit…some implicit..whereas some r just plain hidden…its hidden inside-the truth known only to u..
But tell me something ?? u know u have it but others don’t know that u is ur desire fulfilled..?? or is it that the very fact that others know that u have wat u want leads to the fulfillment of ur desire ?? interesting isn’t it our mind plays tricks on us…u keep telling urself..its not for them…but u know wat ?? its always for them…every single thing that u do..that u want…is not for urself…its for them..! u might disagree… did i…but like I said already..things change..
The desire to grow..the desire to believe..the desire to accept…no one thinks abt these…
I mean why is it that we want something so badly but once we have it we don’t appreciate it as we used to ?? is it human nature ?? or is it u or me ??
This desire puts u in a trap…it engulfs u…doenst let u go…it’s the only thing on ur mind when it really shouldn’t be…n the worst part-- there is nothing u can do abt it..(sometimes there is..) but just let urself get enthralled by it….sucks doesn’t it ?!
I mean there r these times when u feel that WHY ?? but then those moments r very short-lived..they disappear as quickly as they appear..i wish they’d stay for a longer time..
But one has to got to live with it..cuz without the desire..there would be nothing..u wouldn’t long for nething n that wouldn’t give u the drive to do things that u really desire is a good thing ???
Decide for urself..
Saturday, December 23, 2006
How Things Change..
I have..for a long long time..This phrase just astonishes me..
Things really change..
they change for the good..they change for the bad..But they change...It is no more of a question than an exclaimation..I am not asking how things change..
i am just reflecting on the fact that they do..
There comes a time in everyone's life when you think that this is the thing that you want..
this is wat is gonna make you happy..and your pretty sure of it..but wat if it is not ???
Wat do you do ?? do you run away or do you go ahead neway ??
The answer to this very question leads you on a journey
that can be quite memorable as it can be painful..
Things change..ppl change...their perspective changes...situation changes..and all of these are cannot live on its own...
At one point of'd have never imagined your life to be like this but then you wake up one morning n you find your life to be in the exact scenario that you were tryin to avoid....cruel isnt it ??
Wat do you do then ?? Nothing...Just accept things and move on....why ? for your survival...for your existence in a social world...for your presence to be appreciated...for your very purpose of fulfilling the promises that you once made...
things change...
but then there is nothing that one can do abt it..or can they ?? but to change something that has already changed..u'll have to change something it all worth it ?? that's another word that really plays tricks on ur mind..."worth"...its laughable really...think abt it..! yes..i mean u ! things change...i'v started writing "u" instead of "you" !
like i said earlier...its funny..painful but still funny..........